Monday, March 7, 2011

To Webb, Warner & Rigell - These things don't make sense...

To:     Senator Jim Webb

Senator Mark R. Warner

Rep Scott Rigell
327 Cannon HOB
Washington DC  20515

From:    Steven & Kimberly Jones
617 Timberland Trail
Virginia Beach VA  23452

Two things that should not be cut: Immigration for high tech entrepreneurs and funding for the IRS. 

High Tech entrepreneurs create jobs in the U.S., they don't destroy them.  Please see  LinkHere

For each dollar given to the IRS, exponentially more is returned in taxes.  "According to Baucus, a 2003 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report indicated that there would be substantial returns on the dollar - from 11 to 13 dollars raised for every dollar spent."  Please see (  LinkHere
Steven & Kimberly Jones
617 Timberland Trail
Virginia Beach VA  23452

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Shame on Virginia for allowing this

Headline: Shop's Guns Trigger Alert For Rate of Use in Crimes
“no other dealer listed in state records has had so many guns move so quickly from counter to crime scene in recent years.”
Eliminating guns from this country isn’t, never has been and never will be an option.  And the idiots that went on a gun buying spree before Obama’s inauguration are just that, idiots.  But gee, isn’t this a clear and flagrant example of how gun controls need to be further implemented and enforced?  
Wikipedia – Second Amendment

Friday, October 22, 2010

Virginia Beach Voting Recommendations - Democratic

Local elections - Virginia Beach - My Recommendations
Per recommendations from Democratic officials I trust, here is a link to the candidates that I will be voting for in the upcoming (Nov 2010) election: LinkHere

My Dog

Scott Rigell
Crown Plaza – VB
October 21, 2010 – 6:30 PM

Question: "Why have you not given back the tainted money from racist e-mailers?"  What are you waiting for?"
(My paraphrasing) -
“This was something that occurred back in March and has now been released now by the Democratic controlled website Blue Virginia.  (Meaning:  The Democrat’s are being mean to me.”  They released this just before the election to make me look bad.)
In other words, he’s not going to do anything, just maintain the status quo.

I went down this morning to sign up my Dog for welfare.
At first the lady said, "Dogs are not eligible to draw welfare".
So I explained to her that my Dog is black, unemployed, lazy, can't speak
English and has no frigging clue who his Daddy is.
So she looked in her policy book to see what it takes to qualify...
My Dog gets his first check Friday.
Is this is a great country or what?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Editorial - The Virginian-Pilot

Interesting editorial in today's paper (The Virginian Pilot) on redistricting.  I'm new here so I have to do some research on the history of this issue and why this appears to be a political hot button.  Consistent with his wavering on potentially volatile issues, Gov. McDonell, who verbalized support for redistricting has failed to support efforts.  Any comments will be appreciated and used in future posts.
And of course the Republican Party of Virginia Beach is still in the news for inappropriate emails.  What were these guys thinking?  If your in a position that's potentially going to be under a microscope by the competition wouldn't you automatically try REALLY hard to be discrete and 'Politically Appropriate' in all ways?  I don't understand...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Living Liberally / Drinking Liberally

If your not familiar with it Living Liberally Liberally / Drinking Liberally is a national organization for socializing with like minded individuals.  Here's a link to their web site.
I'm starting a chapter in Virignia Beach where I live.  Here's a link to my post on that.
I also have a group on Facebook (Hampton Roads Drinking Liberally) and on LinkedIn (Hampton Roads Living Liberally).  Please respond on one of these forums if you can attend.
When? Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month, 6:00 pm
Where? Jack Quinn's Irish Pub, 241 Granby Street ((757) 623-2233
This location may change.  Please check back here or on FB to confirm the location.

Virginia Liberal - This is new - More soon

This blog will be devoted primarily to issues pertaining to the state of Virginia.
I'd love it if you'd check out my primary blog.
I live in Virginia Beach and plan on a post real soon on my voting choices.
Comments and ideas on what you would like to see will be appreciated.